Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Graft being Corrupt in Iraq Circa 2004 Exposed Today

Not to beat a dead horse, but to clear the air. The rationale provided for going to war with Iraq was the single question on WMD. When it was becoming clear that WMD were not going to be available to hold up as evidence new reasons needed to be offered. None of this is new but where were the Dems in starting investigations into these inconvenient facts?

Needless to say the post "Victory" party in Iraq included wide spread looting of not antiquities, but of weapons. So to make the long-winded point: 1 the invasion was a falsehood. 2 the ensuing "war" is based upon destroying military as well as all of the utility structure as possible. 3 the apres party was a failure, one where the "coalition of the willing" are required to take full responsibility, that is of course if the Geneva conventions signatures are still considered meaningful. 4 the "provisional authority" under direction of viceroy Paul Bremer managed the remaining assets of the iraqi people, approximately 20 b USD He managed to piss away more than 18.7 b of it. I mean really piss it away, after 3 audits by the US insane clown posse there is no record for it, that is 10% score, I am accustom to anything below 70% labeled a failure, so this is an impressive feat. Moreover, as a viceroy of the US government clearly the US government is responsible for returning these funds to the Iraqi people, right? As of yet there is no news source willing to make that statement, curious.

The whopper of this whole adventure is the patent failure of the Democrats to even consider themselves a party in opposition to the GOP. One has to engage in Orwellian logic to find the whole "look forward not backward" argument made by a attorney believable, and as an extra bonus he is the next president. Actually, this argument only applies to a restricted group of individuals. I am quite certain that a large number of those enjoying incarceration in the US prison complex feel they are deserving of this as a defense of their past lapses in judgement. Further this new president has found the will to look backward at a group less deserving of such luxuries.

So once again we arrive at politics meaningful or less? The answer is clear to me.

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